Send Notification at Callback Time

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This article provides instructions for generating an email reminder when the Callback time is reached.


Step 1. Create Event and Multiple Notification Macro

Create the Multiple Notification Macro to be sent. Then create an Event to trigger the macro on TRUE.

When configuring the Event it is essential that the Delay Time be set to 00:00:00, check Allow time resetting, and ensure Work Shift is left blank.

Step 2. Create the script

A script is created as an .spl file and placed in the $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic directory. When the Service Desk service starts, the contents of the majic directory are processed and cached. You can use any naming scheme you like for your .spl file, but it is recommended that the file be preceded with a 'z' for easy identification as a custom file (eg zMyCompany.spl, zcr_scripts.spl, zMyScripts.spl).

<source lang="javascript">// Use 'cr' for Requests, Incidents & Problems, 'chg' for Changes, and 'iss' for Issues cr::zattach_callback_event(...) { object atev_dob, atev_list, group_leader; date new_cb, orig_cb, open_dt; duration dur; int atev_count, i; string persid, wc;

orig_cb = argv[2]; new_cb = argv[3]; persid = argv[6]; open_dt = argv[9];

       // Enter the persid of your callback event

wc = format("event_tmpl = 'evt:400001' AND obj_id = '%s' AND status_flag = 2", persid);

       // 5 minutes x 60 seconds = 300 seconds. The 300 below will set the event to fire 5 minutes before the actual Callback Time.

dur = (duration)(((int)new_cb - (int)open_dt) - 300);

send_wait(0, top_object(), "get_co_group"); group_leader = msg[0];

if (((new_cb != orig_cb) && (!is_null(orig_cb)) && (!is_null(new_cb))) || ((!is_null(orig_cb)) && (is_null(new_cb)))) { send_wait(0, top_object(), "call_attr", "atev", "sync_fetch", "STATIC", wc, -1, 0); atev_list = msg[0]; atev_count = msg[1];

if (atev_count > 0) { for (i=0;i<atev_count;i++) { send_wait(0, top_object(), "get_co_group"); group_leader = msg[0];

send_wait(0, atev_list, "dob_by_index", "DEFAULT", i, i); atev_dob = msg[0];

send_wait(0, group_leader, "checkout", atev_dob); send_wait(0, atev_dob, "cancel_me"); send_wait(0, group_leader, "checkin"); if (msg_error()) { logf(ERROR, "error cancelling event for %s - %s", ref_num, msg[0]); } else { logf(SIGNIFICANT, "successfully cancelled event for %s", ref_num); } } } }

if (((new_cb != orig_cb) && (!is_null(orig_cb)) && (!is_null(new_cb))) || ((is_null(orig_cb)) && (!is_null(new_cb)))) { if ((int)dur > 0) { send_wait(0, top_object(), "call_attr", "evt", "new_attached_event", (object)NULL, persid, "Notify on Callback", (duration)dur, (date)open_dt, "SLA", 0, 0); } } }</source>

Step 3. Create the trigger

This step is to create the trigger that will initiate the script. The methods used to implement the trigger vary based on the Service Desk release. In the examples to follow, the trigger is designed to fire if the Status is being changed to 'Resolved'. Use whatever filter you like for attaching your Event.

For r11.x releases triggers are created via the Schema Designer utility. Simply add the following code as a Site-Defined Trigger to the cr (Request), chg (Change Order), or iss (Issue) table.

POST_CI zattach_callback_event(call_back_date,persistent_id,open_date) 777 FILTER(call_back_date{} && active == 1);

For older releases triggers are made by creating a .mod file and placing it in the $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic directory. Name the .mod anything you like, but it is recommended that it be preceded with a 'z'.

<source lang="javascript">// Use OBJECT cr for Requests, Incidents & Problems // Use OBJECT chg for Change Orders // Use OBJECT iss for Issues OBJECT cr {

   POST_CI zattach_callback_event(call_back_date,persistent_id,open_date) 777 FILTER(call_back_date{} && active == 1);


Step 4. Publish the Schema changes

The methods used to publish schema changes vary based on the Service Desk release.

For r11.x releases, follow these steps:

  1. Save your Schema changes
  2. Stop the Service Desk service
  3. Run pdm_publish from a command line (Applicable if you made changes via WSP)
  4. Start the Service Desk service

For older releases recycle the Service Desk service.