Cnt.get members to notify by persid

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This method gets a list of members with Notify flag set ON for specified group .

This action can be called in spell code in method send_wait (or send) using call_attr action.


<source lang="javascript"> void send_wait (int timeout, object top_object, "call_attr", "cnt", "get_members_to_notify_by_persid", contact_persid) </source>

  • timeout - how long (in seconds) should the method wait for finishing the method (0 means infinite [no timeout] and is generally the value used)
  • top_object - root object for the method (on which the method is called)
  • contact_persid - persistent ID of a group for which members you are looking for


success or failure is tested with msg_error() (boolean function)

On success the resulted list is filled into a global array msg as follows:

  • msg[0] - the number of assigned groups
  • msg[1] - one string with a list of member persistent IDs separated by spaces (" ")

On failure

  • msg[0] - failure reason


<source lang="javascript"> int i; send_wait(0, top_object(), "call_attr", "cnt", "get_members_to_notify_by_persid", "cnt:776B094702EABB4B87F04A139E72D44B"); if( msg_error()) {

   logf (ERROR, "failure in send_wait ..... .Reason: %s",msg[0]);

} else {

   string member_persids[msg[0]];
   split(member_persids, msg[1], " ");
   for (i=0;i<msg[0];i++) {
       logf (SIGNIFICANT, "Notify %s", member_persids[i]);

} </source> <source lang="javascript"> string notify_list; send_wait(0, top_object(), "call_attr", "cnt", "get_members_to_notify_by_persid", msg_target); if (msg_error()) {

   logf(ERROR, "%s: Error in get_members_to_notify_by_persid(%s)", method, msg_target);
   return 1;

} else {

   notify_list = msg[1] + " " + msg_target;


logf(TRACE, "%s: Going to notify these users: %s", method, notify_list); send_wait(0, top_object(), "call_attr", "cnt", "notify_list", notify_list, msg_level, msg_title, msg_body, "" /* msg_ack */,

         tran_pt, ticket, is_internal, 0 /* cmth_override */);
